Understanding poison
A substance which when entered in the body in a certain amount of reaction can cause unwanted body can even cause death. Chemical reaction of tissue damage or interfere with body functions. Should be distinguished from drug reactions due to drug reactions in the body is desirable, but there are times when a drug reaction is not in want. Some examples of toxic substances in the form of: insecticide, cyanide (in the toxic cassava), poisons animals (snakes, scorpions, etc.).
Accidental poisoning in humans:
Intentionally (Suicide)
Accidentally (food, beverages, air toxic)
drug abuse
Based on the entry point into the human body toxins, poisoning is divided into four:
Poisoning via mouth / digestive tools
Symptoms: - Nausea vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- His breath smelled of
- Hoarse voice
- Burns to the mouth area
- The rest of the poison mouth area
- Mouth foaming
Give anti-venom drinking public (norit, milk, egg whites, coconut milk, mineral water)
Make the patient vomit
Do not spit if swallowed acid / strong base, oil, seizure victim, the victim was not aware
Poisoning through the respiratory
Symptoms: - Shortness of breath
- Bluish skin (cyanosis)
- His breath smelled of
- Coughing
- Hoarse voice
- Give oxygen if there is
- Refer to the health facility immediately
Poisoning by contact / absorption (skin)
Symptoms: - Skin reddish-colored contact area
- Pain
- Blisters and widespread
- Open the clothes the patient
- When the poison in the form of powder brush to clean
- Flush the affected area with water toxins (minimum 20 Minutes)
- Do not flush skin with water affected by caustic soda
Poisoning by injection / bite
Symptoms: - Luka area injections / bites
- Pain at the bite area
- Brunette
- Change the color of skin
- Refer to health facility
Symptoms and signs keeracunan:
decline consciousness, mental status disorder (anxiety, fear)
Respiratory disorders
head pain, dizziness, visual impairment
Nausea, vomiting, foaming at the mouth
Weakness, paralysis, numbness
Pale, bluish (cyanosis)
irregular pulse
Handling general Poisoning:
1. Safeguarding the patient and helpful, especially when located in an area with poison gas.
2. Remove the patient from dangerous areas when possible.
3. Conduct early assessment
4. When toxins enter through the contact point, then go to wash clothes the rest of the patient and if there are toxic materials.
5. Keep an eye on the airway, especially when the response decreases or the patient vomited
6. If poisoning occurs contact rinse the affected area with water.
7. Management of shock in the event (See Chapter Bleeding and Shock).
8. Monitor vital signs regularly.
9. Bring to a hospital / doctor / health center.
Snake bites
If a person suffering a snakebite wounds showed symptoms and signs that the situation is serious and needs special handling.
Some of the symptoms and signs:
1. Fever
2. Nausea and vomiting
3. Fainting
4. Weak
5. Rapid and weak pulse
6. Seizures
7. LipurGangguan respiratory
Handling the snake bite
Secure self-rescue and the scene
Calm patient
Conduct early assessment
Treat the wound, if necessary plug splint.
Refer to health facility
Use of elastic bandage
Identify the snake
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