Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent International


On June 24, 1859 in the town of Solferino, northern Italy, French and Italian troops were fighting, against the Austrians in a terrible war. On the same day, a young Swiss citizen, Henry Dunant, was there in order to travel to meet French emperor Napoleon III. Tens of thousands of wounded soldiers, while the military medical assistance is not enough to treat 40,000 people who emnajdi battle casualties. Thrilled by the suffering of the wounded soldiers, Henry Dunan in cooperation with local residents to act quickly mobilize assistance to help them.

Some time later, after returning to Switzerland, he poured the impression and experience into a book titled "Memories of Solferino", which shook the whole of Europe. In his book, Henry Dunant offers two ideas:

First, establish an international humanitarian organization, which can be prepared in peacetime establishment to help the injured soldiers on the battlefield.

Second, international agreements to protect the injured soldiers on the battlefield and the protection of volunteers and the organization at the time to help in time of war.

In 1863, four citizens of the city of Geneva to join the Henry Dunant first to develop these ideas. They together form the "International Committee to help the injured soldiers", which is now called the International Committee of the Red Cross or the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

In a later development to carry out humanitarian activities in each country, the volunteer organization was established on duty to assist the army medical at the time of war. The organization is now called the National Society of the Red Cross or Red Crescent.

Based on the idea of a second, in the year 1864, on the initiative of the Swiss federal government held the International Conference which was attended by some states to approve the "Convention on the improvement of the condition of the injured soldiers on the battlefield". This Convention later refined and developed into the Geneva Conventions I, II, III and IV in 1949 or also known as the Red Cross Convention. This Convention is one component of international humanitarian law (HPI) an international provisions governing the protection of war victims aid.

International Red Cross

1.Komite International Red Cross / International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which was established in 1863 and headquartered in Switzerland.

The ICRC is a humanitarian agency that is independent, and as a neutral mediator. ICRC based initiative or the Geneva conventions of 1949 shall provide protection and assistance to victims of international armed conflict and chaos in the country. In addition to providing assistance and protection to victims of war, the ICRC also served to ensure respect for international humanitarian law.

2.Perhimpunan National Red Cross or Red Crescent, which was established almost in every country around the world, now numbering 176 National Society, including the Indonesian Red Cross. National association activities as diverse as emergency assistance to disaster, health care, social assistance, training and service P3K blood transfusion.

Terms of the establishment of a national association of which is:

omen may be recognition of the state governments have become participants of the Geneva Conventions

run omen Movement Principles

If so the ICRC will provide recognition of the existence of these associations

before becoming a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

3.Federasi International Society of Red Cross and Red Crescent / International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC), establishment of the Federation initiated by Henry Davidson, an American citizen who passed on an International Conference on Health in 1919 to coordinate humanitarian assistance, particularly time to help victims of the impact of post-World War I in health and social fields. Federation headquartered in Switzerland and the coordination task of the National Association of humanitarian aid programs in times of peace, and facilitate the establishment and development of the national Red Cross organizations.


In accordance with the Statute and Articles of Association Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent cites four years held the International Conference of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (International Red Cross Conference). The conference was attended by all the components of the International Red Cross Movement (ICRC, national associations and the International Federation) and all participating countries to the Geneva Convention. This conference is the highest body in motion and has a mandate to discuss and decide all international provisions relating to the humanitarian activities which will be kepalangmerahan commitment of all participants.

Two years, the International Red Cross Movement also Delegation of the Council meeting (Council of Delegates), whose members consist of all components of the Movement. Council of Delegates will discuss issues that will be taken at international conferences. A team has been formed specifically to prepare the interval between meetings of the international conference Working Committee (Standing Commission).

Along with these meetings, specifically for the International Federation and national society members also hold a General Assembly meeting (General Assembly) as a forum to discuss kepalangmerahan and development programs.


Here is an outline of the kepalangmerahan humanitarian programs accommodated in the agreement include the International Federation (Strategy 2010); Commitment to Regional members of the Association (Declaration of Hanoi) and the International Conference agreement (Plan of Action).

1. STRATEGY 2010

Strategy 2010 (S-2010) is a set of strategies within the International Federation of humanitarian challenges in the decades challenging. Document of the General Assembly adopted in 1999 sets out the Federation's mission is: "improve the livelihoods of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity".
Three main strategic objectives are:

Community livelihood 1.Memperbaiki Vulnerable

This strategy is focused through four core areas, namely:

+ Promotion basic Principles Movement and humanitarian values;
+ Disaster Relief;
+ Preparedness disaster management; and
+ Health and care in the community.
The fourth field is an integral package and interconnected with each other, which has two dimensions of service and advocacy.

Strength 2.Memobilisasi Humanity
Mobilization capacity of the organization for this service will occur if the national associations to function properly. This means that there are organizational mechanisms, capacity development, memobilisi financial resources by developing partnerships and optimize the communication in the National Society.

Effective 3.Bekerjasama
The existence of a strong national association will form a strong federation, effective and efficient is to develop and implement subregional cooperation movement strategies, partnerships with other international organizations, and advocacy to mobilize public and policy makers to communicate the messages and mission of the International Federation.

2. HANOI DECLARATION "United for Action"

This document was endorsed through V Regional Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1998, which was agreed by 37 national associations as the Asia Pacific and Middle East are resolved, though a variety of cultural, geographic and other backgrounds, to come together for a humanitarian action.
The trend of natural disasters and global financial crisis has hit regional areas and the impact of immigration on population issues for improving living wills, the economic crisis that caused the unemployment rate rising and the outbreak of disease outbreaks. This is a challenge for the Red Cross to help alleviate the suffering of mankind.

Hanoi Declaration treatment programs focus on the following issues:
+ Poverty reduction
+ Handling disease outbreaks
+ Youth and Elderly
+ Partnership with the government
+ Organization and management capacity of resources
+ Public relations and promotion

3. PLAN OF ACTION 2000 - 2003

Plan of Action 2000 - 2003 is a decision of the International Conference of Red Cross and Red Crescent to 27 in Geneva in 1999. Government of Indonesia and the PMI as a participant states in the field of humanitarian pledge.

Indonesian Government's commitment

- Fulfilling a commitment to ratify the Additional Protocols I and II of the Geneva Conventions 1949

- To strengthen legislation relating to the use of the Red Cross Symbol

- Strengthen the institutional aspects of disaster management preparedness planning

- Intensify education and dissemination of International Humanitarian Law and the work of humanitarian organizations to civilian and military

- Strengthening partnerships with national institutions to assist vulnerable communities

Indonesian Red Cross Commitment

- Program dissemination of humanitarian values to members and certain target groups and encourage governments to develop national regulations and agreements related symbols.

- Intensify disaster response preparedness programs in areas prone to disasters through the "community based" and enhance disaster management capabilities and training of volunteers and the provision of operational standard equipment.

- Carry out health and social programs in terms of blood services, youth peer education in an effort to reverse the spread of HIV / AIDS or activities in service oriented community-based P3K, water and sanitation problems, the welfare of vulnerable groups in disadvantaged areas and improve ambulance service and post P3K.

PMI History

The establishment of the Indonesian Red Cross actually been commenced in the period before World War II. At that moment, precisely on October 21, 1873 the Dutch colonial government established the Indonesian Red Cross with a crotch Rode Cambodgien Nederlands Indie (Nerkai), which later disbanded during the Japanese occupation.

Struggle to establish the Indonesian Red Cross itself begins around the year 1932. The activity was spearheaded by Dr. RCL Senduk and Dr. Bahder Djohan. The plan received wide support from the educated ones, especially Indonesia. They tried hard to bring the draft in the trial Nerkai Conference in 1940, although ultimately rejected. Forced draft was held to wait for the right opportunity. As relentless as the Japanese occupation, they returned to try to establish the National Red Cross Board, but again the effort was a hindrance from the Government so that the Japanese army for the second time that the draft should be re-stored.

Seventeen days after the proclamation of independence 17 August 1945, ie on September 3, 1945, President Sukarno issued orders to form a national Red Cross agencies. By order of the President, then Dr. Buntaran then served as Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Cabinet I, on 5 September 1945 to form the 5th Committee consists of: Dr. R. Mochtar (Chairman), dr. Bahder Djohan (Writer), and dr Djuhana; dr Marzuki; dr. Sitanala (members).

Finally, the Indonesian Red Cross Society had formed on September 17, 1945 and initiated its activities through the assistance of war victims of the revolution of independence of the Republic of Indonesia

and return of prisoners of war and Japanese allies. Because of performance, PMI received international recognition in 1950 by becoming a member of the International Red Cross and its presence nationally certified through Presidential Decree No. 25 in 1959 and later reinforced by Presidential Decree No.246 in 1963.

PMI's network now spread over 30 of Province / Tk.I and 323 branches in the region and Tk.II operational support of the Blood Transfusion Unit 165 throughout Indonesia.

The role of PMI is to assist the government in the social field of humanity, especially kepalangmerahan duties as required in the provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 have been ratified by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 1958 through Act No. 59.

PMI Duty:
+ Preparedness and disaster relief assistance
+ First aid training for volunteers
+ Health care and social welfare
+ Blood transfusion services (in accordance with Government Regulation No. 18 of 1980)
In carrying out the task of PMI is based on the 7 (seven) basic principles of the Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the Humanities, Volunteerism, Neutrality, Equality, independence, unity and universality.


I Decade 1945 -1954
During the war of independence of Indonesia, PMI's role is prominent in the field of first aid, evacuation, Soup Kitchens, search and management of repatriation, in cooperation with the ICRC and the Dutch Red Cross for Romusha, Heiho, Tionghoa; the children Indo Dutch and Dutch civilian prisoners 35,000 and the Hoakian who returned to the PRC. Meanwhile, the education was held for the nurses to be sent to posts in the area P3K battle.
It was there PMI 40 branches throughout Indonesia, and each branch has two P3K Post as Collone Car Team.
General Hospital in Bogor Red Cross which was originally under the management of Nerkai, in 1948 donated to the PMI Bogor Branch with a Kedunghalang Hospital since 1951 and managed a Red Cross General Hospital until now.
PMI also began to organize blood donation service activities are still limited in Jakarta and several major cities such as Semarang, Medan, Surabaya and Makassar, the name Benefactor Blood Service.

In the event of rebellion RMS (Republic of South Moluccas), PMI works with the ICRC carry out health services, led by Dr. Djohan and BPH Bahder Specialist Hospital in the form of floating in Ambon. Also held the family news delivery lost / separated and visit prisoners.

PMI began to develop youth kegiatn with 7638 members in 29 branches teen PMI. Welfare Foundation in cooperation with teachers, students and the children agreed to create a PMR units in schools, PMR magazine publishing, correspondence, exchange of albums, competitions, painting exhibitions, and organization of sanatoria (lung treatment for children).

DECADE II 1955 - 1964
Due PRRI Rebellion in West Sumatra and North Sulawesi Permesta, PMI Headquarters to send ships to the area Red Cross to pick up strangers in there and also sent medical teams to 4 and 6 teams Sumatra to North Sulawesi.
After President Sukarno sparked Tri Komando Rakyat (Trikora) to liberate West Irian on 19 December 1961, the Board of PMI's call the whole branch of Unity for Voluntary alert. Then the National Unity was formed consisting of 11 branches that have been selected. Red Cross volunteers who are assigned as a nurse numbering 259 men and 770 men in reserve.

In the event Aru January 15, 1952, the sinking of the ship Leopard RI War, as many as 55 crew members became prisoners of war, so at the request of the Dutch Minister / Navy Chief of Staff, PMI contacted the ICRC to handle these prisoners. Thanks to the efforts the UN Secretary General, the Dutch agreed to transfer the crew in Singapore.
In 1963 when Mount Agung on Bali erupted, PMI's joint health office RI Army to help control the disaster victims.

When the team of National Unity to Red Cross of West Kalimantan in order Dwikora (Dwi Komando Rakyat), has sent teams to help the National Health Operations crushed in South Sulawesi.

III decade 1965-1975

Issuance of Decree of the Minister of Health of Indonesia Regulation No.23 and No.024 of the Government of Indonesia for the recognition of the existence of the first efforts of Blood Transfusion (UTD) PMI.
In commemoration of HUT PMI to 25, 17 September 1970, Board of PMI issued a special medal and award to a pioneer-pioneer PMI, such as: Drs. Moh. Hatta and Prof.. Dr. Johan and Management bahder PMI Regional / Branch throughout Indonesia.
A year later, in 1971 inaugurated the establishment of a DAJR (Ambulance Service Road) Jakarta - Bandung as much as 7 post centered in the RSU-PMI Bogor. Used Ambilans Falcon is equipped ambulance personnel, equipment first aid, and radio telephone.

DECADE IV 1975 -1984
Red Cross-ICRC cooperation
PMI began to play a role in East Timor in August 1975 the flow of refugees from East Timor to West Timor border in Atambua. Humanitarian operations in Dili began in December 1975 at the request of PSTT (Provisional Government of East Timor). Then later in the month of October 1979 in collaboration with Red Cross the ICRC began to open the relief aid post in a remote District 7 in East Timor.
At the request of the Government of Indonesia, PMI supported UNHCR membentu Vietnamese refugees in Galang Island in health and social kesejahtraan, among others, by establishing Galang Island Hospital. PMI also conducts Tracing and Mail Service in cooperation with the ICRC.

Natural Disasters
When the earthquake struck Bali in July 1976 that hit 3 of 5 districts
Red Cross volunteers mobilized, opened Soup Kitchens and help repair 500 houses. In collaboration with the medical team from the Army, providing food and health care medicines.
In the same year an earthquake struck and Kecamayan Kurima Okbibab Jayawijaya district with the power of 6.8 on the Richter Scale.
PMI also fell directly help the victims of disaster Galunggung in 1982 for several months

Blood Transfusion
In 1978 the Central Board of the Golden Pin award for the first time voluntary blood donors to 75 times.
Provisions of the tasks and role of PMI in the blood transfusion services issued by the government melali Government Regulation No.18 th 1980

DECADE V 1984 - 1994
After a couple of times to move from Jl.Abdul Muis to several locations, finally settling PMI headquarters in Jl.Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav.96 which was inaugurated by President Suharto in 1985.

Tracing and Mailing PRC-RI
In addition Tracing services and Mailing Service (TMS) for refugees in Galang Island, in 1987 after TMS PMI family visit to Indonesia from China the first time since the diplomatic relations the two countries were broken in 1967.
In Jakarta, the Red Cross helped victims of a train collision accident in the form of aid P3K Bintaro, Blood Transfusion, TMS, and the provision of appropriate clothing in several hospitals in Jakarta where the victims being treated.

Natural disasters
Red Cross mobilized 700 people KSR / PMR and 8 of doctors to help victims of floods in Semarang, Central Java and also helping to rescue Kelud eruption in East Java in 1990 with food aid and medicines worth Rp.8.583.400, --
To contribute to overcome the earthquake tsunami in Flores December 12, 1992, KSR PMI Multipurpose Task Force formed a task force called MERPATI I.

Gulf War in 1991
With the outbreak of the Gulf War, the Indonesian Government to entrust to lead the delivery of Red Cross aid Indonesian society with a special plane to Jordan, for victims of the Gulf War twice. Assistance clothing, food, medicines and electrical equipment provided 249 million dollars worth.

HIV Blood Test Filter
The spread of the HIV virus which encourages the publication of increasing Minister of Health Decree No.622/1992 on the obligations of the HIV virus tests on blood donors. Accordingly, MOH provide reagents for HIV tests to the PMI that is for all UTDC-PMI.

Temu Karya KSR
In Gathering held in July 1992 and the work of the National Level Competition KSR in Lombok NTB also attended by participants from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and Japan.

DECADE VI 1994 - 2004
Natural Disasters (Earthquake)
Back in 1994, formed the Central Committee MERPATI II task force team to help the Earthquake victims in Liwa, Lampung Barat and Tsunami in Banyuwangi, East Java.
Also in 1999, when stricken province of Bengkulu earthquake measuring 7.9 richter scale, with the support of Red Cross International Federation of facilities and the Norwegian Red Cross field hospital set up a capacity of 150 beds to replace the function of the local hospitals damaged in the city for 10 months.
Another Earthquake 6.5 Richter scale also hit the Banggai in Central Sulawesi in May 2002, and several months later in July 2000 earthquake occurred also in the 24th District in Sukabumi and Bogor.

End of the year 2000 flood hit region of Aceh. With the help of the ICRC in Lhoksumawe, PMI team joined hands to clean off the roads and other social facilities and provide assistance 4000 assistance package of hygiene kits. In the same period, the floods also swept Gorontalo Central Sulawesi, which resulted in these areas, especially in Sub Ranoyapo isolated flooding.
Mud floods followed landslides also hit the West Java region for several days in February. Flash floods also occurred in NTB. PMI's 1000 aid package and 610 petromaks donated by the International Federation of the Red Cross.
Beginning in August 2001, large floods have also destroyed in the 8th District of North Sumetera Nias District. PMI has been sending medicines and support the family package of kitchen utensils, mosquito nets, clothes, blankets and sugar to meet the emergency needs of the everyday in Nias.

Conflict Disaster
A vertical conflict in Aceh has been going on since January 2000, a horizontal conflict in Poso in Central Sulawesi on May 23, 2000 and the great unrest in North Maluku on May 17, 2001. PMI in Aceh in cooperation with the ICRC intensive activities and evacuate the wounded bodies, distributed food aid, emergency medical services and the delivery of family news. As for Poso, PMI coordinates with 4000 the ICRC distributed aid package followed a family of RCTI assistance in the form of mats, sarongs, towels, jerry cans, soap, laundry soap and clothes intended for 2000 people. As for the conflict in North Maluku, again in cooperation with the PMI 5655 the ICRC distributed relief packages to victims of family health services in addition to Tobelo and Galela. Additional assistance packages of 4500 and 2000 units of school equipment and uniforms of the Japanese Embassy. In addition, one unit of vehicle assistance has also been sent to Ternate from Jakarta to help the field of technical operations.

CBFA-Tarakan and Lampung
Project community-based health development (CBFA) has started in East Kalimantan and Central since June 2000. Assistance is sponsored by the Dutch Red Cross International Federation of facilities aimed at improving the health status of communities in target areas.


In order to deal with the development of Indonesian society in the future an increasingly global in an increasingly democratic atmosphere of the Red Cross to prepare myself best as a stakeholder to participate in taking an active role in it.

Therefore, PMI has set a mission and vision by sticking firmly to the principles outlined in kepalangmerahan and in line PMI Policy Statement 2000 - 2004:

A. Vision
PMI is widely recognized as a humanitarian organization that is able to provide effective services kepalangmerahan and timely, especially to those most in need, in the spirit of impartiality and independence.

B. Mission

* Disseminate and develop the basic principles of application of the Red Cross Movement and Red crescent moon and international humanitarian law (HPI) in the Indonesian society.
* Implement kepalangmerahan service quality and on time, include:
+ Humanitarian Assistance in emergencies
+ Social services and community health
+ Business Health Blood Transfusion
* Development of Young Generation in kepalangmerahan, health and welfare.
* To consolidate the organization, development potential and increase the potential of human resources and financial resources towards the effective and PMI efiesien.


Improving the organization and administration of PMI at all levels to prepare for increased independence and impartiality of PMI in the next 5 years.

* Continuing efforts of accuracy of local organizational capacity and a branch of the response given kuistioner Regional and Branch and Persemester or Annual Report.
* Develop a standard pattern orientation and implementation Kepalangmerahan PMI management for administrators.
* Provide guidance to the Regions to enable the function by:

o active observation, advocacy and assist the implementation of AD / ART, especially in the Musda and MUKERDA.
o Workshop on Management and Organization for the area and some selected branches.
o Orientation kepalangmerahan and management to local organizations and branches owned.
o Fostering Organizational Development Strategic Plan through the OD team performance
o Workshop for the development of headquarters functions for the Regional Unit Head (Kamada)
o Continue providing assistance to victims of earthquake in Bengkulu, with a pilot program at PMI Bengkulu OD, to support the implementation of the CBFA programs, water and sanitation in Bengkulu.

4. Establish MUKERNAS in preparation for the 2002

5. Publishes software for the development and management for organizations such as the Directive Board of PMI.

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Mars-Mars PMI

Hymne Palang Merah Indonesia

Hymne PMI

Palang merah Indonesia
Wujud kepedulian nyata
Nurani yang suci
Untuk membantu menolong sesama

Siaga setiap waktu
Berbakti, dan mengabdi
Bagi hidup manusia
Agar sehat sejahtera di seluruh dunia


Mars Palang Merah Indonesia

Mars PMI

Palang Merah Indonesia
Sumber kasih umat manusia
Warisan luhur, nusa dan bangsa
Wujud nyata pengayom Pancasila

Gerak juangnya keseluruh nusa
Mendarmakan bhakti bagi ampera
Tunaikan tugas suci tujuan PMI
Di Persada Bunda Pertiwi

Untuk umat manusia
Di seluruh dunia
PMI menghantarkan jasa

Lagu yang pertama kali dikumandangkan tahun 1967 ini adalah ciptaan Mochtar H. S. yang adalah seorang tokoh PMI yang terkemuka waktu itu. Lagu ini juga menandai pembentukan Palang Merah Remaja (PMR) Kudus. PMR Kudus merupakan yang kedua di Indonesia setelah Bandung. Bisa dibayangkan, PMI Kudus pada masa itu adalah cabang terkemuka di Indonesia.

Mars Palang Merah Remaja

Bhakti PMR

Palang Merah Remaja Indonesia warga Palang Merah sedunia
Berjuang berbakti penuh kasih sayang untuk rakyat semua
Bekerja dengan rela tulus ikhlas untuk yang tertimpa sengsara
Puji dan puja tidak dikejar… mengabdi tuk sesama…

Putra Putri Palang Merah Remaja Indonesia
Abdi rakyat sedunia luhur budinya
Putra Putri Palang Merah Remaja Indonesia
Abdi rakyat sedunia mulya citanya

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7 Prinsip Dasar Gerakan Palang Merah Internasional dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional

1. humanity
2. impartiality
3. neutrality
4. independence
5. voluntary service
6. unity
7. universality


"Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent International was founded based on the desire to give aid without discrimination victims who were injured in the fighting, preventing and overcoming human suffering. Red Cross foster mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace for mankind. "
Represent the origin of movement, humanitarian principle that should not be any services that benefit a person suffering from wherever they are, eliminated. The aim is to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings. In times of peace, the protection means to prevent disease, disasters or accidents or reduce the effect by saving lives (eg First Aid training). In times of war, the meaning is providing assistance to those who are protected by HPI (so the victim does not die of hunger, not treated arbitrarily arbitrary, or not disappear). Humanitarian enhancing mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace for humanity.

"This movement does not make a difference on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, religion or political views. The aim solely to reduce human suffering in accordance with their needs and giving priority to the most severe circumstances "
Non-discrimination against nationality, race, religion, class or political opinion is a mandatory rule which requires that all differences between individuals excluded, that the friends and enemies are equally assisted, and given the consideration of the needs. Aid priorities should be based on the level proportional to kedaruratannya and want to overcome suffering.

"To continually earn the trust of all parties, the Movement may not take sides or get involved in political conflict, ethnicity, religion or ideology."
Neutrality means refraining from taking sides in political issues, religion, race or ideology. If the Red Cross or Red Crescent siding, they will lose the trust of one group of people and it is difficult to continue their ativitas. Each member of the Movement can be sued for restraint, be neutral and not express their opinions during on duty.

"This movement is independent. National Association of His government in addition to helping the humanitarian field, also must comply with state regulations, must always maintain their autonomy so that they can act in accordance with the principles of this movement. "
In general, independence means that the institution of the Red Cross and Red Crescent reject any kind of intervention that are political, ideological or economic that could divert them from the point of activities that have been set by the demands of humanity. For example, should not accept donations from anyone who requires that peruntukkannya intended for specific groups of people based on political reasons, ethnicity or religion to the exclusion of other groups whose needs may be more urgent. There is no institution of the Red Cross was allowed was a tool of government policy. Although the National Association recognized by the government as a government tool, and should be subject to local law, they must always maintain their autonomy in order to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement all the time.


"This movement is a voluntary relief movement, which is not based on the desire to seek any advantage."
Volunteerism is a proposal that is not selfish of someone who is carrying out a specific task to someone else in the spirit of human brotherhood. Is done without charge or for a recognition or compensation, the main factor is that its implementation is not a desire for financial gain but by personal commitment and loyalty to the humanitarian objectives.

"In a country there is only one association of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is open to all people and carry out humanitarian tasks in the entire region."
The principle of unity specifically related to the institutional structure of the National Society. In any country, government regulations that recognize a National Society is usually stated that the Association is the only National Association that can carry out all activities in the national territory. The fact that the Society is the only one in the country is also one of the requirements to be recognized by the ICRC.

"Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent International is the nature of the universe. Each National Society has the right and the same responsibilities in helping fellow human beings. "
The universality of suffering requires that the universe is also a response. The principle of universality demands collective responsibility on the part of the Movement. Equality of status and rights of the National Society is reflected in the fact that the conference and the Movement government agencies, each National Society has one vote, which prohibits giving it voting rights or special permanent seats to a particular National Society.

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Community Base

In order to anticipate the various possibilities that occur at times that will come when this PMI is developing a Community Based Program Disarter Preparedness (Community Based Disaster Preparedness). This program is intended to encourage the empowerment of communities to alert the capacity to prevent and reduce disaster impacts and risks that occur in the environment. This is very important because the public as the party directly affected in case of disaster.

Also in the Red Cross is also rampant in Indonesia held training for Community Based First Aid (Community Based First Aid / CBFA)

Basically, the whole movement should be remarkably reddish community-based, the spearhead of the movement elements kepalangmerahan the element of volunteerism such as the Corps Volunteers or Voluntary KSR and Labor, or TSR, and also the Red Cross Youth, or PMR, and all these elements are always based on community members as one of the principle of insufficient reddish the totality

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Humanitarian And Volunteery

In PMI activities committed against humanity as contained on the 2010 Strategy to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable communities through the promotion of the principles of humanitarian values, disaster prevention, preparedness, disaster management, health and care in the community, Hanoi Declaration (United for Action) contains the handling of the program on the issues disaster management, disease prevention, teens and seniors, in partnership with governments, organizations and resource capacity management and public relations and promotion, and Plan of Action is the decision of the Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent to 27 in Geneva Switzerland in 1999.

At the conference the Government of Indonesia and the Red Cross said the pledge as a participant in the humanitarian field.

This is in line with PMI's main task is to help the Indonesian government in the social field, especially humanitarian kepalangmerahan tasks which include: Preparedness and Disaster Relief Assistance, First Aid Training for Volunteers, Health Services and Welfare Society, Blood Transfusion Service. PMI's performance in the field of humanitarian and kerelawanan starting from 1945 up to this time are as follows:

1. Helping the event of war / conflict. Task PMI humanity committed during Indonesia's independence war, when the rebellion RMS, Aru incident, when the correction movement through PRRI in West Sumatra, while Trikora in Irian Jaya, East Timor with humanitarian operations in Dilli, refugees in Pulau Galang.
2. Helping victims of natural disasters. When the earthquake happened in Bali (1976), to help victims of the earthquake (6.8 on the Richter scale) in Jayawijaya District, Galunggung disaster (1982), Earthquake in Liwa, Lampung Barat and Tsunami in Banyuwangi (1994), the earthquake in Bengkulu with 7.9 Richter scale (1999), horizontal conflict in Poso, Central Sulawesi and North Maluku riots in (2001), Banggai earthquake victims in Central Sulawesi (2002) with 6.5 on the Richter scale, and to help flood victims in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Gorontalo , Nias, West Java, the tsunami in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Pangandaran Beach, and the earthquake in Yogyakarta and Central Java part. PMI ranks all done for humanity and a genuine spirit of volunteerism to help the victims with a variety of activities ranging from rescue and evacuation, search, health services and medical teams, provision of public kitchens, field hospitals, provision of basic food packages, wear appropriate clothing and so on.
3. Blood transfusions and health. In 1978 PMI Gold Pin award for the first time to the voluntary blood donors as much as 75 times. Based on Government Regulation Number 18 Year 1980 has been set about the task and the role of PMI in the blood transfusion service. The presence of Red Cross Blood Transfusion Unit has been recognized many benefits and help for patients / patients are very sick need the blood. Thousands or even millions of people saved his life thanks to the help of Red Cross Blood Transfusion Unit. Similarly, health services, almost in every PMI in various regions have a complete clinic to provide services to the community as cheap.

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Establishment of the Indonesian Red Cross has actually started before World War II, October 12, exactly 1873.Pemerintah Dutch Colonial built in the Indonesian Red Cross with a crotch Afdeeling Roode Nederlandsche Indië (NERKAI) which later disbanded during the Japanese occupation.

Struggle to establish the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) began in 1932. The activity was spearheaded by Dr. and Dr. RCL Senduk Bahder Djohan by making design PMI formation. The design is widespread support from the educated ones, especially Indonesia, and submitted to the Assembly Narkei Conference in 1940, but rejected outright.

The design was kept waiting for the right. As relentless as the Japanese occupation, they returned to try to establish the National Red Cross Board, but again the effort was a hindrance from the Government so that the Japanese army for the second time the draft is re-stored.

PMI formation process starts at 3 September 1945, President Sukarno ordered Dr. Boentaran (RI Cabinet Minister I) to form a national Red Cross agencies.

Assisted the Committee consists of five R Dr. Mochtar as Chairman, Dr. Bahder Djohan as writer and three members of the committee Wiradikarta Djoehana dr, dr Marzuki, dr Sitanala, preparing for the establishment of the Indonesian Red Cross Society. Exactly a month after the independence of Indonesia, 17 September 1945, PMI was formed. The historic event to this day known as PMI.

The role of PMI is to assist the government in the social field of humanity, especially the reddish abysmal job as required in the provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 have been ratified by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 1958 through Act No. 59.

As a national association of legal, PMI stood by the Presidential Decree No. 25 of 1925 and confirmed its activity as the only national association of organizations that carry out the task remarkably reddish through Presidential Decree No. 246 in 1963.

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International Committee of the Red Cross

The Nobel Peace Prize 1963
History of Organization

Since the Red Cross has figured four times in the award of the Nobel Peace Prize (1917, 1944, and 1963), as well as in the award to Henri Dunant (1901), and has therefore been made the subject of various presentation speeches and Nobel lectures which give details of its inception, history, and activities, the following brief summary of its origins and present organization is intended as a frame of reference for all four of these awards rather than as the typical history ordinarily included for each award to an organization.


In February of 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland, the Société genevoise d'utilité publique [Geneva Public Welfare Society] set up a committee of five Swiss citizens to look into the ideas offered by Henri Dunant in his book Un Souvenir de Solferino - ideas dealing with protection of the sick and wounded during combat. The committee had as its members: Guillaume Henri Dufour (1787-1875), a general of the Swiss army and a writer of military tracts who became the committee's president for its first year and its honorary president thereafter; Gustave Moynier (1826-1910), a young lawyer and president of the sponsoring Public Welfare Society, who from this time on devoted his life to Red Cross work; Louis Appia (1818-1898) and Theodore Maunoir (1806-1869), both medical doctors; and Henri Dunant himself.

Guided by Moynier's talent for organization, the committee called an international conference for October of 1863 which, with sixteen nations represented, adopted various pertinent resolutions and principles, along with an international emblem, and appealed to all nations to form voluntary units to help wartime sick and wounded. These units eventually became the National Red Cross Societies, and the Committee of Five itself eventually became the International Committee of the Red Cross, with Gustave ldoynier as its president (1864-1910) both before and after it took this name.

As a result of the 1863 Conference, which hoped to see its Red Cross principles become a part of international law, an international diplomatic meeting was held at Geneva the following year at the invitation of the Swiss government. The assembly formulated the Geneva Convention of 1864. This international Convention for the Amelioration of the "Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field", included provisions guaranteeing neutrality for medical personnel and equipment and officially adopting the red cross on a field of white as the identifying emblem. It was signed on August 22, 1864, by twelve states and was later accepted by virtually all.

The work of the Red Cross had been inaugurated. Three other conventions were later added to the first, extending protection to victims of naval warfare, to prisoners of war, and to civilians. Revisions of these conventions have been made from time to time, the most extensive being that of 1949.

Although the Red Cross has always given major service and often accomplished herculean tasks during time of war, it has achieved even greater service in its gradual development and operation of humanitarian programs that serve continuously in both peace and war.


The Red Cross, a strictly neutral and impartial worldwide organization is dedicated to humanitarian interests in general and to alleviating human suffering in particular, is composed of three basic elements.

I. The self-governing National Red Cross Societies, including the Red Crescent (in Muslim countries) and the Red Lion and Sun (in Iran), operate on the national level through their volunteer members, although they also participate in international work. Each must be recognized by the International Committee. Today numbering 114, these societies all have Junior Red Cross Societies as well. Virtually all have disaster relief programs, and many carry on welfare programs, with community health and safety instruction, and so on. Since World War II, many of the European and Asian societies have also established refugee services.

2. The League of Red Cross Societies, a coordinating world federation of these societies, was established in 1919 as the result of proposals made by Henry P. Davison (1867-1922) of the American Red Cross. The League maintains contacts between the societies; acts as a clearinghouse for information; assists the societies in setting up new programs and in improving or expanding old ones; coordinates international disaster operations. It functions under an executive committee and a board of governors on which every national society has representation.

3. The International Committee of the Red Cross [ICRC], a private, independent group of Swiss citizens chosen by co-optation (limited to twenty-five in number), acts during war or conflict whenever intervention by a neutral body is necessary, such action constituting its special field of activity. As guardian of the Geneva Conventions and of Red Cross principles, it promotes their acceptance by governments, suggests their revision, works for further development of international humanitarian law, and recognizes new Red Cross Societies; it sends its Swiss delegates into prisoner-of-war camps, supervises repatriation, operates the Central Tracina Agency, supplies material relief, and the like.

The International Red Cross Conference, which met for the first time in 1867, is the highest legislative body. It is composed of representatives of the National Societies, the League, the International Committee, and the governments that have signed the Geneva Conventions. Meeting every four to six years, it reviews Red Cross activities and the operation of the Conventions in practice, taking under consideration, whenever necessary, any suggested revision of the Conventions or the adoption of new ones. (Actual revision and adoption are matters for a diplomatic conference convened by the Swiss government in its role as the custodian of the Conventions; texts submitted to such a diplomatic conference would be prepared by the ICRC with the expert assistance and previously approved by an International Conference of the Red Cross.) Between Conferences, coordination of the work of the League with that of the Committee is ensured by the Standing Commission of the International Red Cross.

Selected Bibliography

This bibliography, like the preceding «history», is intended for reference in connection with all awards to the Red Cross: to the International Committee of the Red Cross (1917, 1944, and 1963) and to the League of Red Cross Societies (1963).

Boissier, Pierre, Histoire du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge de Solférino à Tsoushima. Paris, Plon, 1963.

Buckingham, Clyde E., For Humanity's Sake: The Story of the Early Development of the League of Red Cross Societies. Washington, D.C., Public Affairs Press, 1964.

Cousier, Henri, The International Red Cross, transl. by M.C.S. Phipps. Geneva, ICRC [International Committee of the Red Cross], 1961.

Draper, G.I.A.D., The Red Cross Conventions. New York, Praeger, 1958.

Dunant, Jean Henry, A Memory of Solferino, English translation of Un Souvenir de Solférino. Washington, D.C., American National Red Cross, 1939.

Huber, Max, Principles and Foundations of the Work of the International Committee of the Red Cross, 1939-1946. Geneva, ICRC, 1947.

International Review of the Red Cross. English edition (since 1961) of the Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge, monthly publication of the ICRC, Geneva (since 1919).

Joyce, James Avery, Red Cross International and the Strategy of Peace. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1959. New York, Oceana Publications, 1959.

Junod, Marcel, Warrior without Weapons, with a Preface by Max Huber. Transl. by Edward Fitzgerald of Le Troisième Combattant. New York, Macmillan, 1951.

Liste des publications du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge de 1863 à 1944, compiled by Élie Moray, G. Vuagnat, and Daniel Clouzot. Genève, 1945.

Manuel de la Croix-Rouge internationale. Genève, Comité international de la Croix-Rouge et Ligue des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge, 1951.

Patrnogic, Jovica, «The Red Cross as a Factor of Peace», in International Review of the Red Cross, 87 (June, 1968) 283-294.

Pictet, Jean S., ed., Commentary: The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949. 4 vols. Geneva, ICRC, 1952, 1958, 1960.

Pictet, Jean S., Red Cross Principles. Geneva, ICRC, 1956.

Red Cross World. Publication of the League of Red Cross Societies, Geneva (since 1919). [Title varies prior to 1952.]

Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on Its Activities during the Second World War, Sept. 1, 1939-June 30, 1947. Geneva, ICRC, 1948.

Siordet, Frédéric, «A Hundred Years in the Service of Humanity», in International Review of the Red Cross, 29 (August, 1963) 393-428.

From Nobel Lectures, Peace 1951-1970, Editor Frederick W. Haberman, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1972

This text was first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.

Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 1963

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Medical Action Team PMI Deployed To Earthquake Location in Haiti

The earthquake hit the capital city of Haiti, Port-au-Prince, Tuesday afternoon local time (12 / 1). Based on data collected from the international media, an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 on the Richter Scale, centered around 10 miles (15 kilometers) west of Port-au-Prince with a depth of five miles (8 km). As quoted from various media, this earthquake was the largest earthquake in Haiti in the last 200 years and it is feared killed thousands of people.

The earthquake caused tens of thousands of people homeless. Meanwhile, cut off communication networks and power outages.

For earthquake of Haiti, PMI involved in the disaster relief response by sending three senior nurses from PMI Bogor Hospital.

"They are Muchtar, Habib Prioyono, and Iwan Ridwanudin. Three members of the PMI Medical Action Team, joined the team from the Ministry of Health of Indonesia for the action of health services and first aid from the field hospital in Haiti. We expect, they will stay there for a month or more, "said dr. Saptono, Head of Secretariat PMI Bogor (15 / 1).

He added that three members of the MAT PMI has expertise specifications respectively. For example, Habib Priyono who have the ability as a radiology technician and specialized administrative field hospital in disaster area.

Reported, that a team from the PMI will join the 17 member team of field hospital direct deployment to Haiti on Friday afternoon (15 / 1) from Halim Perdanakusuma Air Field, Jakarta.

"All the big family PMI says congratulate to all members of the PMI team who involved in disaster response in Haiti. Work vigorously to exert humanitarian assistances in Haiti, "said dr. Saptono at the end of the interview .

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Senin, 08 Februari 2010


Here will not be described in detail about this because this discussion is a topic of their own training. Please note by helpers that this system already exists and the standard, its implementation depends on each region.
ICS in Indonesia is often known as POSKO, the basic task is to manage the response more or disaster victims. How to do sorting victims, how and where the victims were evacuated, using what, who's in charge in which, where and all the other things associated with the setting on site.
In general the response to victims of many places in the set such that there is:
1. Triage area
Basically this area is the area of the incident.
2. Regional aid
After the patient is determined triagenya then transferred to storage areas where help is given.
3. Regional transport
In this region gathered all vehicles will be used to evacuate the victims, including victims of sending data recording.
4. Auxiliary storage areas and equipment.
In this area the new helpers come or already working together, the data set and the division of work. If the big events so reservations are also required for equipment, other goods.

First Helper role
As helpers we must know the existing system, especially what should be done at the initial phase, basically helper should:
1. Establishing Command Post and the command
2. Assessing the situation
3. Ask for help as needed
4. Start triage

Assessment situation
After determining an event as the case with many of the victims of the most important thing to do is refrain from giving aid directly to individuals. Value of the things as follows:
1. State
2. Number of patients
3. Special action
4. Resources will approximately take
5. Another thing that could have an impact on the situation and conditions
6. How many sectors are needed
7. Region or area shelters
Create a brief report, so that help will come will be driven by demand.

Triage comes from the French language, which means segregation. In the medical world this term is used for sorting actions help victims by priority or transportation.
The main principle of triage is to help the patients who suffered an injury or serious condition but has a life expectancy.
One of the most simple method and widely used is the START method of triage, or Simple and Rapid Treatment. This method divides patients into 4 categories:
1. Priority 1 - Red
Is a priority, given to the patient's critical condition such as airway disorders, respiratory problems, severe bleeding or uncontrolled bleeding, decreased mental status
2. Priority 2 - Yellow
The next priority is given to the patients who have conditions such as burns without interruption or damage to airway motion devices, closed fractures that can not walk, back injury.
3. Priority 3 - Green
Is the most recent group of priorities, also known as' Walking Wounded "or the injury that can run itself.
4. Priority 0 - Black
Given to those who died or suffered a fatal injury. Implementation of the triage is done by giving the sign in accordance with the priority color. Triage signs can vary from a special card to only a bond with a color material in accordance with priorities. Do not change the sign of a prescribed triage. If circumstances change before patients receive care the old labels do not removed but are marked, time and new pairs.

Implementation triage method S.T.A.R.T
To facilitate the implementation of triage will be conducted an inspection as follows:
1. Collect all the people who can / be able to walk alone to the predetermined area, and give them a label GREEN.
2. After that switch to check remaining patients:
3. Breathing:
a. If breathing is more than 30 times / minute RED label.
b. If the patient is not breathing then try to open the airway and clear the airway once, when breathing spontaneously began the RED label, if not give BLACK.
c. If breathing is less than 30 times / minute recharging time value of capillaries.
4. Capillary filling time:
a. More than 2 seconds is not good, give RED, stop major bleeding if any.
b. If less than 2 seconds then the value of his mental status.
c. If the lighting is less then check the radial pulse of the patient. If there is no then it means that the patient's blood pressure was low and has decreased tissue perfusion.
5. Mental status examination:
a. Examination to follow simple commands
b. If the patient is not able to follow a simple command will give RED.
c. If you can give YELLOW.

After giving a label to the patient then your job ends immediately proceed to the next patient.

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Understanding poison
A substance which when entered in the body in a certain amount of reaction can cause unwanted body can even cause death. Chemical reaction of tissue damage or interfere with body functions. Should be distinguished from drug reactions due to drug reactions in the body is desirable, but there are times when a drug reaction is not in want. Some examples of toxic substances in the form of: insecticide, cyanide (in the toxic cassava), poisons animals (snakes, scorpions, etc.).

Accidental poisoning in humans:
 Intentionally (Suicide)
 Accidentally (food, beverages, air toxic)
 drug abuse

Based on the entry point into the human body toxins, poisoning is divided into four:
Poisoning via mouth / digestive tools
Symptoms: - Nausea vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- His breath smelled of
- Hoarse voice
- Burns to the mouth area
- The rest of the poison mouth area
- Mouth foaming
Give anti-venom drinking public (norit, milk, egg whites, coconut milk, mineral water)
Make the patient vomit
Do not spit if swallowed acid / strong base, oil, seizure victim, the victim was not aware

Poisoning through the respiratory
Symptoms: - Shortness of breath
- Bluish skin (cyanosis)
- His breath smelled of
- Coughing
- Hoarse voice
- Give oxygen if there is
- Refer to the health facility immediately

Poisoning by contact / absorption (skin)
Symptoms: - Skin reddish-colored contact area
- Pain
- Blisters and widespread
- Open the clothes the patient
- When the poison in the form of powder brush to clean
- Flush the affected area with water toxins (minimum 20 Minutes)
- Do not flush skin with water affected by caustic soda

Poisoning by injection / bite
Symptoms: - Luka area injections / bites
- Pain at the bite area
- Brunette
- Change the color of skin
- Refer to health facility

Symptoms and signs keeracunan:
 decline consciousness, mental status disorder (anxiety, fear)
Respiratory disorders 
 head pain, dizziness, visual impairment
 Nausea, vomiting, foaming at the mouth
 Weakness, paralysis, numbness
 Pale, bluish (cyanosis)
 seizure
 Shock
 irregular pulse
Handling general Poisoning:
1. Safeguarding the patient and helpful, especially when located in an area with poison gas.
2. Remove the patient from dangerous areas when possible.
3. Conduct early assessment
4. When toxins enter through the contact point, then go to wash clothes the rest of the patient and if there are toxic materials.
5. Keep an eye on the airway, especially when the response decreases or the patient vomited
6. If poisoning occurs contact rinse the affected area with water.
7. Management of shock in the event (See Chapter Bleeding and Shock).
8. Monitor vital signs regularly.
9. Bring to a hospital / doctor / health center.

Snake bites
If a person suffering a snakebite wounds showed symptoms and signs that the situation is serious and needs special handling.
Some of the symptoms and signs:
1. Fever
2. Nausea and vomiting
3. Fainting
4. Weak
5. Rapid and weak pulse
6. Seizures
7. LipurGangguan respiratory
Handling the snake bite
 Secure self-rescue and the scene
 Calm patient
 Conduct early assessment
 Treat the wound, if necessary plug splint.
 Refer to health facility

 Use of elastic bandage
 Identify the snake

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Medical emergency is anything that affects a person without a history of forced Ruda.
Note the symptoms and signs, and complaints by interviewing the patient or family information / witness.

Common symptoms:
 Fever
 Pain
 Nausea, vomiting
 urinating excessively or not at all
 Dizziness, fainting, would doom
 tightness / difficulty breathing, excessive hunger, mouth feel strange

General signs:
 mental status change
 Change the rhythm jantun
 Respiratory Changes
 Change the skin condition
 Changes in blood pressure
 Changes pupil
 anomalous muscle activity
Gastrointestinal disorders

Heart Disorder
Risk factors:
Can not be changed
Hereditary :
 Gender (male> female)
 Ethnic
 Age (30 yr <) Be changed  Smoking  High blood pressure  High cholesterol  Lack of physical activity Factors Penyulit  Obesity  Diabetes  Stress Symptoms  unpleasant feeling, pain, heavy feeling chest.  The patient holds his chest and slightly bent  Pain develops suddenly  No response, stopped breathing and heart Signs  Nadi anomalous  Palpitation  Widening p. back  Swelling  Nausea, vomiting  Head light  Weakness suddenly  cyanosis  Excessive Perspiration  Feeling Hour HELP  Calm patient  Do not leave the patient alone  Position the patient in a comfortable position reply  Ensure an open airway  Give oxygen if there is  Do not give food / drink  Relax binding clothing  If the patient does not consciously do the action BHD  Refer to the references soon. Respiratory disorders Example:  ISPA & ISBA  Acute Pulmonary Edema  chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  Spontaneous Pneumothorax  Asthma / allergy Airway obstruction   Pulmonary Emboli  hyperventilation Symptoms and Signs  It is difficult to talk and breathe  There are additional breathing sound  Tanpak aids breathing muscles work  The position of the tripod  The rhythm and quality of abnormal breathing  Changes in color of skin  mental status change  At the sound of wheezing is asthma  fast Nadi  Fever  Coughing blood HELP  Calm patient  Keep the airway open  Value of respiratory patients  Place the patient in a comfortable position  Give breathing assistance if necessary  Give oxygen if there is appropriate provision  Take the patient immediately place the reference Mental Status Changes Cause:  Hipoksemia (lack of oxygen in the blood)  Hypoglycemia (levels of blood sugars low dlm)  hyperglycemia (levels of blood sugars higher dlm)  brain apoplexy (stroke)  general Seizures  Fever, infectious  Poisoning (drug & alcohol)  Head injuries  mental disorders HELP  Values and monitor respiratory and airway patient  Lay the patient on their side if no firm suspicions head injury, a broken collarbone and back  Give oxygen if there is appropriate provision  Monitor vital signs and level of response  Take the patient immediately place the reference Blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) His breath smelled of acetone   skin redness, dry  Hungry / thirsty  Nadi fast & weak  Changes to the mental status did not realize  Like the drunk, unsteady, his speech fuck  Frequent urination Hypoglycemia  As giddy drunk, disruptive speech  Acting weird  Aggressive, restless  fast Nadi  cold skin, wrinkles  Hungry  Headache  seizure HELP  Conduct early assessment and try to get the history of the disease  Supervise and monitor the airway and breathing  Give sugary drinks if the person is conscious  Take the patient immediately place the reference STROKE Signs & Symptoms:  Pain head  Loss of consciousness  The response rate  Tingling / paralysis in the face or tool motion  It is difficult to talk  Blurred vision  Seizures Manik  right & left eye is not the same  Loss of urinary control & release  age factor HELP  Calm patient  Do not leave the patient alone  Lay the patient  Ensure an open airway  Provide oxygen if there is  Relax the binding of the patient's body  If there is no response give BHD action  Take the patient immediately place the reference  Be careful if there are parts of the body paralyzed patients yg EPILEPSY Signs & Symptoms:  blank look, feel hear or see something  strangled cry  Fall suddenly, lying stiffly for a moment, his back arched  face and neck bluish and swollen  Movement of muscle spasms  No response  mouth foaming, sometimes bloody  Probably bitten tongue  Probably lost control urinary and digestive  The patient returned to consciousness in the not-long  After the seizure, the patient fatigue and sleep HELP  Protect the patient from injury  Do not resist or fight back spasms  Protect the patient's tongue from being bitten  Position the stable soon  Treat injuries from seizures  Keep the airway so as not to clog  Let the rest  Avoid tension daari patients and shame around Hysteria Signs & Symptoms:  lost consciousness for a moment with an impression made - for  It may roll - roll on the ground  fast Breath  Unable to move or walk, for no apparent reason HELP  Calm patient  Do not expose the patient from the masses  Bring the patient calm place  Facilitate and supervise the patient continues  Encourage the doctor, after calmly Fainting Signs & Symptoms:  Feeling giddy  view berkunang - bugs and ringing in the ears  Weakness, cold sweat  Evaporate  Can be adaa no response, which usually occurs within minutes  slow pulse HELP  Lay the patient with the leg elevated  Loosen clothing  Keep the patient breathe fresh air  Check for other injuries  Give blankets, to warm the body  When you recover, try to rest a while  If not restored, then: - Check for breathing and pulse - Position the stable - Bring to hospitals / doctors / health center Seizures, and HEAT Signs & Symptoms:  Muscle spasms are accompanied by pain à legs and stomach muscles  Fatigue  Nausea  Maybe fainting HELP:  Move a shady place / cool  Give drink  Refer to health facility Fatigue HEAT Signs & Symptoms:  Breathing fast and shallow  Nadi weak  palpable cold skin, wrinkles, moist and pale mucous membranes  Pale, excessive sweating  Weak  Dizziness, sometimes decrease response  dry tongue and thirst HELP  Lay the patient in the shade  Kendorkan binding clothing  Elevate legs sufferers around 20 - 30 cm  Provide oxygen if there  Give drink if the person is conscious  Refer to health facility Heat stroke Signs & Symptoms:  Breathing rapidly and in  vein followed by rapid and strong fast but weak pulse  skin felt dry, sometimes hot pink Manik's eyes widened   Loss of consciousness  general spasms or trembling in muscles HELP:  Reduce the patient's body temperature as quickly as possible  Put the bag of ice on the armpits, groin, behind the knees and around ankles and on the side of the neck  If possible, put the patient into a tub of cold water and add ice to it  Refer to health facility Hypothermia Medium Signs & Symptoms:  Shivering  There was floated  Breathing fast, slow pulse  Disturbance of vision  slow eye reaction  Shaking Hypothermia Weight Signs & Symptoms:  Respiratory very slow  very slow pulse  No response Manik  eyes widened and not react  Tool rigid motion  No shivering HELP:  Assessment and examination of the patient early  Move the patient from a cold  Keep the airway and provide oxygen if there is  Replace wet clothes, covered the patient, try to stay dry  If the patient can be aware of the hot drink slowly - slowly  Monitor vital signs regularly  Refer to health facility Sink Guidelines Help:  Security daan location helper  Condition patient  Water Conditions  existing resources Principle:  Achieve  Throw  Paddle  Pool HELP  Move the patient as quickly as possible from the water with the safest way  Consider spinal boards in the water  Open the airway patient  Until early assessment on land and do CPR if necessary  Provide oxygen  Keep the patient's body kehangata  Perform physical examination  Immediately brought to health facilities

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Upon arrival our location, there is the possibility that the patient was found to be removed. In a dangerous situation quickly and alert action is essential. Handling the wrong person will cause further injury or new injury.

The things that must be considered when moving the patient:
 Conduct an assessment of the difficulties that may occur when moving the patient.
 Plan the movement before lifting the patient, including how to move it.
 Do not try to lift and lower the patient if not sure he could control it.
 Always start from the imposition of a balanced position and keep in balance.
 Use the leg muscle power, avoid the imposition of back muscles.
 The position of the back should be straight when lifting patients.
 Strive to move the load tight as possible with the auxiliary body.
 Do the overall movement and try to support each other's body parts.
 If you can reduce the distance or height to go through the patient.
 Improve the position and gradually lift.
 Strive working groups, continue to communicate and do the coordination.

Kind - kind of transfer of the patient
1. Emergency removal
This action is only done if:
a. There is a direct danger to the patient, for example:
 Fire or fire hazard.
 blast or explosion hazard.
 It is difficult to safeguard patients from harm in the environment.
 Building an unstable.
 The car overturned.
 The crowd is restless period.
 hazardous materials (chemicals, toxic and other wastes).
 oil spills.
 extreme weather.
b. Gain entrance or to reach other people.
b. When lifesaving measures can not be done because the patient's position is not suitable for the treatment or the need to reposition the patient, for example, will perform CPR.
Greatest danger in an emergency removal is triggered spinal injury.

Some kind of emergency removal
• Offer the patient's shirt
• Offer a blanket
• Interest in cloth / sheet material
• Interest in the armpit / arm

The technique is attractive shirt etc. sufferers.
2. Transfer of normal / not an emergency
If there is no immediate danger to the patient, the patient was transferred only when everything is ready and the patient completed addressed, namely:
a. Complete the initial assessment was done.
b. Pulse and breathing are stable and within normal limits.
c. No external bleeding is not controlled or no indication of internal bleeding.
d. Absolutely no spinal or neck injury, and injury is not in the neck area.
e. All fractures had mobilized.

Some guidelines to position the patient is:
 Patients with shock, placed in the shock position if no evidence of injury to the leg above (broken bones) and spinal injuries.
 People with respiratory problems, position sitting or half sitting.
 Patients with abdominal pain, put to bed one side with legs bent.
 Patients who vomited - vomiting comfortable position and watch the airway.
 Patients with trauma, especially suspect spinal injury must be stabilized and immobilisasi with a long spinal board.
 Patients with no response and was not found or is not suspected spinal injuries or other serious injury stable tilted position / recovery.
 Position the comfortable, if the injury does not interfere.

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Causes of burns are:
 Thermal (temperature> 60 C)
 Chemistry
 Electricity
 Radiation

Body Surface Size
1. Minor burns:
Not the face, hands, feet, joints, genitals, or respiratory tract.
2. Burns are:
Not the face, hands, feet, joints, genitals, or respiratory tract.
3. Severe burns:
• burns with airway injury.
• three burns on the face, hands, feet, joints, genitals, or respiratory tract.

Some things to get attention
1. Burns caused by:
 Electricity: burns damage look small but in large enough body tissue.
 Chemistry: each - each material has a characteristic - their own characteristics.
2. Areas affected:
 Face
 hands and feet
 genitals, buttocks and inner thighs
 Joint
Because penyulit can occur in the healing process in the future.
3. Factors penyulit
Age less than 5 years or more than 55 years, is considered heavy.
Accompanying disease
Handling of General Burn Injuries

Value scene security and safety helper
1. Stop the burn process
2. Remove clothing and jewelry
3. Conduct early assessment
4. Determine the degree burns and extensive burns
5. Cover burns
6. Keep the patient's body temperature
7. Refer to health facility

Handling some special burns:
Chemical burns:
Value scene security and safety helpers:
 Immediately flush / aliri burns with as much water - much, at least 20 minutes. Do not waste time searching for antidotnya.
 Do not flush chemicals that react more strongly with the water such as caustic soda powder.
 If the eyes, flush with flowing water, and remove contact lenses.
 Minimize the contamination of water continued to flow in such a way that is not about healthy regions.
If the patient is contaminated, try cleaning the patient from a distance, not to the helper also affected by chemicals.
1. Solid chemicals / powder, smoke with soft brush and then flush with water as much - much.
2. Flush with water or aliri at - least for 20 minutes.
3. Secure the former patients contaminated clothing.
4. Place the cover on the sterile wound injuries.
5. Overcome shocked if any.
6. Refer to the health facility.

Electrical burns
Symptoms and signs of electric shock:
 Change of mental status and decreased response
 There was severe burns
 shallow breathing, irregular or no
 pulse weak, irregular or no
 compound fracture because of muscle contraction.

Handling of electrical burns
Value scene security and safety helper
1. Conduct early assessment
2. Check and find burn in areas where electrical power into and out
3. Close the front cover of the wound with a dry sterile
4. Overcome the shock, when there
5. Refer to the health facility.

Helpers must be ready melaukan CPR on patients who were electrocuted. Patients should be monitored closely, because it stopped breathing and cardiac arrest are often repeated.
Inhalation burns (exploited / smell by nose)
Symptoms and signs that may be found:
1. Burnt nose hairs
2. Burns on the face
3. Grains of charcoal carbon in liquid saliva
4. The smell of smoke or soot on the respiratory
5. Difficulty breathing
6. Breath sounds
7. Hoarse, coughing, difficulty speaking
8. Limited chest movement
9. Bluish skin

Value scene security and safety helper
1. Move patient to safety
2. Berika oxygen, if necessary oxygen dilembabkan
3. Especially early assessment and respiratory airway
4. If necessary, apply artificial respiration
5. Refer to health facility

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Fractures / Broken Bones is the dissolution of bone tissue, in whole or in part. Divided into two parts fractures: open fractures and closed fractures caused by direct force, indirect style, stylish twist.

Signs & Symptoms:
1. Change shape
2. Pain & Stiff
3. Bruising
4. The existence of sound fault
5. Swelling
6. The tip of the bone seen
7. Joint locks
8. Interference. Circulation
9. Interference. Circulation Movement Sensation

Dislocation (dust / Divorce Joint)
Definition: The release of the joint head of the joint bowl
Cause: Joint stretched beyond normal limits, so that both ends
tulangmenjadi separately, not in place. Joint tissue
interest exceeds the normal limit, and perhaps up to terobek.
Symptoms & signs: Almost the same as the symptoms and signs of broken bones

Sprains / Sprain
Definition: rupture / dissolution of the connective tissue around the joints because the joints
stretched beyond normal limits
Cause: the wrong movement (slip), the joint stretching exceeded
normal movement
Symptoms & signs: pain swelling, tenderness, bluish red color.

Muscle sprain (Strain)
Definition: tearing of muscle tissue in the tendon (tail muscle), because
stretched beyond normal limits.
Cause: There is because the imposition of a sudden at a certain muscle.
is one of the main sports injuries that occur palingsering

Symptoms & signs: pain is sharp and sudden on some muscle regions
The pain spread out with cramps and stiff muscles
Swelling in the injured area

HELP injury in skeletal muscle system:
1. Apply early assessment.
2. Perform physical examination
3. Stabilize the broken parts manually
4. Strive who allegedly broke can be seen
5. To overcome the bleeding and treat wounds if there
6. Prepare the necessary equipment (splint and mitella)
7. DO PEMBIDAIAN ... ...!
8. Reduce pain
9. Lay the patient in a comfortable position.
Handling Sprains:
1. Place the patient in a comfortable position, rest the injured part
2. Elevate the injured part
3. Give a cold compress maximum 3 minutes, repeat every hour if necessary
4. Balut press and remained elevated
5. Treat the fracture
6. Refer to health facility

Aid to some motion injury means:
1. Shoulder injury
Shoulder dislocation is the most common injuries occur in the shoulder area. In the event of a broken collarbone, might seem hollow in the upper arm below the collarbone. In this injury the best action is to install the sling.

2. Injury upper arm fracture
Upper arm bone is the bone thick and strong enough, if this bone injuries watch out for the surrounding tissue injury. HELP:
a. put your forearm in the chest with palms facing into the
b. Place the splint to elbow
c. Tie in the area above and a broken diaerah
d. Forearm held
e. If the elbow is broken and can not be folded hands, plug splint to the forearm, and let the hand depends, do not carry.
f. Refer to health facility

3. Injury forearm fractures
Injury in the forearm and wrist injuries are common. HELP
a. put your hand on your chest
b. Place the splint from the elbow to the hand
c. Tie in the area above and below the broken bone
d. Arm held
e. Refer to health facility
4. Hand and finger injuries
Hand injuries should dibidai functional position. The easiest way is to put it in the palm of his hand, then wrapped his hand and placed it above the splint. If the injury is a finger, then tie it with a finger finger next to. If the injury is more than one finger then the whole hand bidailah

5. Femur fracture
Changes of the thigh bone fractures are usually seen clearly, in addition to pain and swelling. HELP:
a. Place the two splint from:
Armpit to just past the soles of the feet
Groin until a little past the soles of the feet
b. Give cotton pads or cloth between the splint with a broken leg
c. If you need to tie both legs above the knee and ankle - your feet with bandages to reduce movement.
d. Refer to health facility

Femur fractures can cause internal bleeding, so patients can experience shock. If there is an open fracture, bleeding and patient to overcome his injury

6. Knee Injury
If your knees bent in a position so bidailah in that position and if the bidailah straight in a straight position. Membidainya same way as a broken thigh bone.
7. Leg fracture
Generally the two lower leg bones of the same injury. It lies very close to the skin causing injury denganpermukaan is often in the form of an open fracture. HELP:
a. Place the splint next to the 2 outside and in a broken leg from groin to just past the soles of the feet.
b. Make cotton pads or cloth between the splint or cloth.
c. Refer to health facility

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Soft tissue injuries are injuries that involve the skin tissue, muscle, nerve or blood vessel due to a forced Ruda (or a common condition known as wound).

Injury Classification:

1. Open wound
Soft tissue injury with damage / cut off the damaged skin tissue and can be accompanied by skin tissue under the skin. Open wound types:
1. Blisters
2. Cuts / slices
3. Lacerations
4. Stab wound
5. Avulsion injury (torn)
6. Amputation injuries.

2. Wound closed
Soft tissue injury without damage / breaking of the skin tissue, the damaged tissue just under the skin. Closed Injury Type:
These types of injuries are grouped in the wound closed, but some types of these injuries can be a mixture of closed and open wounds.

3. Bruising
Symptoms and signs:
 Pain
 Swelling
 The red color blue (bruise)
 tenderness.

4. Strong crush injury
5. Injuries crushed.

Closing wounds and bandages
Closing wounds
Closing the wound is a material that is placed directly above the wound. Materials used should be both powerful and absorbing large enough to cover the entire surface of the wound, such as sterile gauze.
 Closing Occlusive wound (resistant plastic)
Waterproof material and air are used on the wound to prevent the entry of air out and keep the humidity in OGAN.
 Closing thick wound (wound cover pad)
A pile of cover material thickness wound approximately 2-3 cm.

Functions cover the wound
 Helps to control bleeding
 To prevent further contamination
 Accelerate healing
 Reduce pain.

Bandage is the material used to maintain the cover wounds. Wrapping materials made of various cloth materials.

Function pads:
 Emphasis to help stop the bleeding
 Maintaining the wound cover in place
 Being a support to the injured body part.

A good installation will help the healing process.
Several types of pads:
 Sanitary ribbon / roll
 Sanitary triangle (mitela)
 Sanitary tube / tubuler
 Sanitary pressure.

Closure Guidelines and dressing wounds
Wound closure
 Closing the wound to cover the entire surface of the wound.
 Strive surface of the wound as clean as possible before closing the wound, unless the bleeding wound with the priority is to stop the bleeding.
 Installation of closing the wound must be done in such a way that the surface of the cover attached to the wound is not contaminated (aseptic technique).

2. Dressing
 Try to put the bandage after the bleeding stopped. Except for a pressure bandage which is working to stop the bleeding.
 Do not wrap too tight or too loose.
 Do not let the loose end of the remaining pads.
 If the dressing wounds bandaged areas should be wider than the wound area. This is done to increase the extent of body surface so that the pressure to prevent tissue damage.
 Do not cover the tip of a finger unless there is a wound in that section, this section can be a clue if we are too strong dressing is by observing the fingertips. When pale means the dressing is too strong and should be repaired.
 Special on limb dressing made from the distal to proximal direction of the heart.
 Make the dressing in the desired position such as for dressing the joints do not try to bend the joints when clad in a state of straight.
 If the dressing around the chest, tell the patient took a deep breath first, just hold your breath and tighten the bandage. If the patient does not respond, tighten when patients breathed (inhaled).
 Do not make the dressing around his neck.

Open wound treatment
1. Make sure the area looks
2. Clean the area around the wound
3. Control the circulation when there is
4. Prevent further contamination
5. Give cover the wound and dressing;
6. Lay the patient if the blood loss and a severe wound.
7. Calm patient
8. Overcome shock if any, if necessary, treat the shock position even though the shock has not occurred
9. Refer to the health facility.

Closed Injury Treatment
Special for help bruising can be done as follows:
1. Rest of the motion
2. Give me a cold compress (eg bag of ice)
3. Balut press
4. Elevate the limb.

Wound treatment with a foreign object lodged
Step - step wound treatment menancapnya accompanied by a foreign body is as follows:

1. Stabilize the embedded object manually.
2. Do not be revoked. Foreign objects lodged never be revoked, except in the cheek (which will be discussed below).
3. Part of the wound opened so obvious.
4. Control bleeding, liver - careful not to push it stuck.
5. Stabilize foreign body by using a thick cover injuries, or variations such as bandages donuts, rolls and other pads - Other.
6. Treat shock if there is
7. Keep the patient still and calm rest
8. Refer to health facility

Scalp injury
In the treatment of scalp injury helper should recognize a good situation at hand, especially related to the presence or absence of skull fractures that accompany injuries to the area.

Scalp wound treatment
1. Control bleeding with direct pressure on the wound and give the cover wounds. If you suspect there is bleeding with an open skull fracture then use a thick pad to stop the bleeding.
2. Replace pads
3. Elevate, if there was no skull fractures, spinal injuries or chest. But do not position the patient is not aware of the head - shoulders are relatively higher.

Facial injury treatment
 It stuck in his cheek
 eye injury
 abdominal injury

Symptoms and signs that may be found in the abdominal injury
1. Abdominal pain and cramps
2. Tenderness in the abdominal wall
3. Bruising
4. There is an open wound
5. Vomiting blood
6. Symptoms and signs of shock
7. The patient holds and protects the stomach
8. The patient lay with legs bent
9. In open wounds may be seen in the abdominal organs out (usually the intestines)

Note: The symptoms and signs above are not always there all.
 Treatment open wound on the abdominal wall
 Treatment covered wounds in the abdominal wall

Note: Do not give food and drink.

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Bleeding occurs due to damage to blood vessel walls that can be caused by forced Ruda (trauma) or disease.

Classification of source of bleeding / hemorrhage group
1. Bleeding arteries (arteries)
Blood that comes from an artery out radiating out in accordance with the throbbing pulse and bright red.
2. Bleeding through (venous)
Blood from veins, flowing, dark red.
3. Bleeding hair (capillary)
Derived from capillaries, the blood slowly seeping out.

The types of bleeding
1. External bleeding
Bleeding that looked / looks clear out of an open wound.
2. Bleeding in
Internal bleeding, usually not visible and the skin does not look damaged. Sometimes - sometimes visible under the skin surface without a bruise.

Beware of bleeding in, if there is:
Stab wound
Blood or fluid from ears or nose
Vomiting or coughing up blood
Extensive bruising of the trunk
Exit wounds chest or stomach
Tenderness, rigidity or spasms in the abdominal wall
Urinating or major bleeding

A. Protection against infection in the treatment of bleeding:
- Put on APD in order not to get blood or body fluids
- Do not touch the mouth, nose, eyes, food while giving care
- Wash hands immediately after treating
- Decontamination or dispose of materials that have been stained with blood or body fluids.

B. Controlling external bleeding
1. Press Direct
Click the section just above the bleeding wound, the bleeding will usually stop after 5-15 minutes. If it has not stopped other cover can be added, without removing the cover first.

2. Elevation (Elevate the wound position and do the same with direct pressure).

3. Click on hit points
Brachial artery (pembulu vein in the upper arm)
Femoral artery (artery in the groin)

Treatment of bleeding
1. In large hemorrhage:
a) Do not waste time just to find cover wounds
b) Press directly by hand (should wear gloves)
c) Preserve and the press is strong enough
d) Treat the wound after bleeding controlled

2. In light bleeding or controlled:
Use direct pressure to the wound cover
Press until the bleeding under control
Keep the cover and dressing wounds
We recommend that you do not remove cover or bandage the wound first

3. Internal bleeding or suspected internal bleeding:
a) Lay and istrihatkan patients
b) Open the airway and maintain
c) Check the periodic breathing and pulse
d) Treatment of shock in the event of shock or expected to occur in shock
e) Do not give food and drink
f) Take care of any other serious injury when there is
g) If there give oxygen
h) Refer to health facility

Please note:
Handling means to control bleeding the bleeding does not mean stop the bleeding at all.

Shock occurs when the circulatory system (circulatory) failed to deliver oxygenated blood and nutrients to vital organs (especially brain, heart and lung - lung).

1. The failure of the heart pumps blood
2. Losing large numbers of blood
3. Widening (dilating) blood vessels wide, so the blood can not fill properly
4. Lack of a lot of body fluids such as diarrhea
a) Breathing: fast and shallow
b) Nadi: fast and weak
c) Skin: pale, cold and damp
d) Face: pale, cyanosis on the lips, tongue and ear lobe
e) Currency: hollow eyes, dilated pupils

a. Nausea and vomiting may
b. Haus
c. Weak
d. Dizziness
e. Nervous and scared to death

Handling of shock:
1. Bring the patient into the shade and safe
2. Tidurkan supine, legs elevated 20 to 30 cm when no suspicion of vertebral fractures or broken leg. When using a spinal board or stretcher then lift the foot
3. Clothing patient relaxed
4. Prevent loss of body heat to give a blanket
5. Calm patient
6. Make sure the airway and breathing well
7. Control bleeding and treat other injuries when there
8. If there are appropriate protocols provide oxygen
9. Do not give food and drink
10. Periodically check the vital signs regularly
11. Refer to health facility

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Template by : IndonesianRedCross www.MedicalActionTeam.blogspot.com