Senin, 08 Februari 2010


Here will not be described in detail about this because this discussion is a topic of their own training. Please note by helpers that this system already exists and the standard, its implementation depends on each region.
ICS in Indonesia is often known as POSKO, the basic task is to manage the response more or disaster victims. How to do sorting victims, how and where the victims were evacuated, using what, who's in charge in which, where and all the other things associated with the setting on site.
In general the response to victims of many places in the set such that there is:
1. Triage area
Basically this area is the area of the incident.
2. Regional aid
After the patient is determined triagenya then transferred to storage areas where help is given.
3. Regional transport
In this region gathered all vehicles will be used to evacuate the victims, including victims of sending data recording.
4. Auxiliary storage areas and equipment.
In this area the new helpers come or already working together, the data set and the division of work. If the big events so reservations are also required for equipment, other goods.

First Helper role
As helpers we must know the existing system, especially what should be done at the initial phase, basically helper should:
1. Establishing Command Post and the command
2. Assessing the situation
3. Ask for help as needed
4. Start triage

Assessment situation
After determining an event as the case with many of the victims of the most important thing to do is refrain from giving aid directly to individuals. Value of the things as follows:
1. State
2. Number of patients
3. Special action
4. Resources will approximately take
5. Another thing that could have an impact on the situation and conditions
6. How many sectors are needed
7. Region or area shelters
Create a brief report, so that help will come will be driven by demand.

Triage comes from the French language, which means segregation. In the medical world this term is used for sorting actions help victims by priority or transportation.
The main principle of triage is to help the patients who suffered an injury or serious condition but has a life expectancy.
One of the most simple method and widely used is the START method of triage, or Simple and Rapid Treatment. This method divides patients into 4 categories:
1. Priority 1 - Red
Is a priority, given to the patient's critical condition such as airway disorders, respiratory problems, severe bleeding or uncontrolled bleeding, decreased mental status
2. Priority 2 - Yellow
The next priority is given to the patients who have conditions such as burns without interruption or damage to airway motion devices, closed fractures that can not walk, back injury.
3. Priority 3 - Green
Is the most recent group of priorities, also known as' Walking Wounded "or the injury that can run itself.
4. Priority 0 - Black
Given to those who died or suffered a fatal injury. Implementation of the triage is done by giving the sign in accordance with the priority color. Triage signs can vary from a special card to only a bond with a color material in accordance with priorities. Do not change the sign of a prescribed triage. If circumstances change before patients receive care the old labels do not removed but are marked, time and new pairs.

Implementation triage method S.T.A.R.T
To facilitate the implementation of triage will be conducted an inspection as follows:
1. Collect all the people who can / be able to walk alone to the predetermined area, and give them a label GREEN.
2. After that switch to check remaining patients:
3. Breathing:
a. If breathing is more than 30 times / minute RED label.
b. If the patient is not breathing then try to open the airway and clear the airway once, when breathing spontaneously began the RED label, if not give BLACK.
c. If breathing is less than 30 times / minute recharging time value of capillaries.
4. Capillary filling time:
a. More than 2 seconds is not good, give RED, stop major bleeding if any.
b. If less than 2 seconds then the value of his mental status.
c. If the lighting is less then check the radial pulse of the patient. If there is no then it means that the patient's blood pressure was low and has decreased tissue perfusion.
5. Mental status examination:
a. Examination to follow simple commands
b. If the patient is not able to follow a simple command will give RED.
c. If you can give YELLOW.

After giving a label to the patient then your job ends immediately proceed to the next patient.

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