Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

7 Prinsip Dasar Gerakan Palang Merah Internasional dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional

1. humanity
2. impartiality
3. neutrality
4. independence
5. voluntary service
6. unity
7. universality


"Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent International was founded based on the desire to give aid without discrimination victims who were injured in the fighting, preventing and overcoming human suffering. Red Cross foster mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace for mankind. "
Represent the origin of movement, humanitarian principle that should not be any services that benefit a person suffering from wherever they are, eliminated. The aim is to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings. In times of peace, the protection means to prevent disease, disasters or accidents or reduce the effect by saving lives (eg First Aid training). In times of war, the meaning is providing assistance to those who are protected by HPI (so the victim does not die of hunger, not treated arbitrarily arbitrary, or not disappear). Humanitarian enhancing mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace for humanity.

"This movement does not make a difference on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, religion or political views. The aim solely to reduce human suffering in accordance with their needs and giving priority to the most severe circumstances "
Non-discrimination against nationality, race, religion, class or political opinion is a mandatory rule which requires that all differences between individuals excluded, that the friends and enemies are equally assisted, and given the consideration of the needs. Aid priorities should be based on the level proportional to kedaruratannya and want to overcome suffering.

"To continually earn the trust of all parties, the Movement may not take sides or get involved in political conflict, ethnicity, religion or ideology."
Neutrality means refraining from taking sides in political issues, religion, race or ideology. If the Red Cross or Red Crescent siding, they will lose the trust of one group of people and it is difficult to continue their ativitas. Each member of the Movement can be sued for restraint, be neutral and not express their opinions during on duty.

"This movement is independent. National Association of His government in addition to helping the humanitarian field, also must comply with state regulations, must always maintain their autonomy so that they can act in accordance with the principles of this movement. "
In general, independence means that the institution of the Red Cross and Red Crescent reject any kind of intervention that are political, ideological or economic that could divert them from the point of activities that have been set by the demands of humanity. For example, should not accept donations from anyone who requires that peruntukkannya intended for specific groups of people based on political reasons, ethnicity or religion to the exclusion of other groups whose needs may be more urgent. There is no institution of the Red Cross was allowed was a tool of government policy. Although the National Association recognized by the government as a government tool, and should be subject to local law, they must always maintain their autonomy in order to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement all the time.


"This movement is a voluntary relief movement, which is not based on the desire to seek any advantage."
Volunteerism is a proposal that is not selfish of someone who is carrying out a specific task to someone else in the spirit of human brotherhood. Is done without charge or for a recognition or compensation, the main factor is that its implementation is not a desire for financial gain but by personal commitment and loyalty to the humanitarian objectives.

"In a country there is only one association of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is open to all people and carry out humanitarian tasks in the entire region."
The principle of unity specifically related to the institutional structure of the National Society. In any country, government regulations that recognize a National Society is usually stated that the Association is the only National Association that can carry out all activities in the national territory. The fact that the Society is the only one in the country is also one of the requirements to be recognized by the ICRC.

"Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent International is the nature of the universe. Each National Society has the right and the same responsibilities in helping fellow human beings. "
The universality of suffering requires that the universe is also a response. The principle of universality demands collective responsibility on the part of the Movement. Equality of status and rights of the National Society is reflected in the fact that the conference and the Movement government agencies, each National Society has one vote, which prohibits giving it voting rights or special permanent seats to a particular National Society.

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