In order to anticipate the various possibilities that occur at times that will come when this PMI is developing a Community Based Program Disarter Preparedness (Community Based Disaster Preparedness). This program is intended to encourage the empowerment of communities to alert the capacity to prevent and reduce disaster impacts and risks that occur in the environment. This is very important because the public as the party directly affected in case of disaster.
Also in the Red Cross is also rampant in Indonesia held training for Community Based First Aid (Community Based First Aid / CBFA)
Basically, the whole movement should be remarkably reddish community-based, the spearhead of the movement elements kepalangmerahan the element of volunteerism such as the Corps Volunteers or Voluntary KSR and Labor, or TSR, and also the Red Cross Youth, or PMR, and all these elements are always based on community members as one of the principle of insufficient reddish the totality
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Nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco smoke that causes smokers to
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10 tahun yang lalu
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