Senin, 08 Februari 2010


First aid principals must assess the patient and kaadaannya such a way that can make the management of patients with both.
Step - step assessment is as follows:

A. Condition Assessment
By the time helper to reach the scene before doing something should be done prior assessment of the situation, it aims to obtain general description of the events at hand, the factors that will support or hinder first aid.

1. How does the current environment
What is at hand, how many victims, how the mechanism of an emergency, how the security environment, help plan, anything that can be used at the time.

2. Any possibility that would happen
What harm might occur either directly or indirectly to the rescue, patients, and people - people who are in some instances, such as the possibility of explosion, electrical short circuit currents, landslides, fights, fires, etc..

3. How to cope
Helpers do steps - steps to secure the situation or the threat of danger and determine the precautions when something happens. Way - how to cope with the situation simply and quickly so that relief assistance is not difficult.


On location
On arrival at the scene helpers should:
1. Ensuring the safety of rescue, patients and people around the incident.
2. Helpers should introduce myself.
3. Determine the general state of events, starting early assessment of the patient.
4. Recognize and overcome the problems / life-threatening injuries.
5. Stabilize the patient and continue monitoring.
6. Ask for help.

B. Early Assessment
At this stage, the helper must recognize and overcome the circumstances that may threaten the lives of people in the right way, fast and simple.

Step - an early assessment measures:

1. General impression
Determine the first patient was a case of trauma or medical cases. Trauma cases are cases that are usually caused by a forced Ruda / obvious trauma, not clearly visible, and / or palpable, for example the case of bleeding, open wounds, broken bones, a decrease of consciousness.
Medical cases are cases that suffered by a person without a history of forced Ruda, such as shortness of breath, chest pain and others - others.

2. Examination response
To determine one's level of patient response based on stimulus provided helpers were four levels:
a. A = Caution
Patient being aware of and recognize the environment and time.
b. S = Sound
Patients only respond / react when called or heard voices.
c. N = Pain
Patients simply reacting to pain stimuli provided helpers, such as pinched, pressed on the point of the sternum.
d. T = No Response
The patient did not respond to any stimulus provided by the helpers.

3. Ensuring an open airway properly
How to determine the state of the airway depends on the state of the patient whether or not the response.
a. Patients with good response
Notice when people answer questions helpers. Is there any disturbance or disruption of voice to speak.
b. Patients who did not respond
If the patient does not suffer / spinal injuries using techniques chin press foreheads. Conversely if there is suspicion then use facilitation techniques perasat mandible.

4. Respiratory Assessment
Check the presence or absence of breath in a way see, hear, and feel for 3-5 seconds. These aims are the breath of people with enough to maintain life, when the patient was not breathing then immediately do breathing artificially.

5. Assessing the circulation and stop the heavy bleeding

Assess circulation
1. Patient response, check the radial pulse (wrist), in infants brakial check the pulse (the inside of the upper arm).

2. The patient does not respond, check the carotid pulse (neck) for five to 10 seconds. If there is no pulse begin cardiac pulmonary resuscitation measures.

Do not be fixated on the visible injuries make sure first that no life-threatening bleeding, including bleeding that is not visible.

6. Contact support
If the perceived need to immediately ask for reference assistance, the message should be short, clear and complete.
Early assessment must be completed and any life-threatening conditions must be addressed before a physical examination.
In an early assessment of transportation priorities to consider the patient, whether to be as soon as possible or can be postponed.

Parameters can be classified in the vital signs are:

Normal Breathing Frequency
Infants 25 to 50 x / min
Children 15 to 30 x / min
Adults 12 to 20 x / min
Normal pulse
Infants from 120 to 150 x / min
Children from 80 to 150 x / min
Adults 60 to 90 x / min

 Checking the pulse can be checked at:
- Neck (carotid arteries)
- Arm above (brachial vein)
- Wrist (radial pulse)
- Fold the thigh (pulse pemoralis)
Pulse examination is held for 15 seconds the result multiplied by 4 to get the pulse permenit.

Temperature checks
On examination of the body temperature enough to obtain data on the relative temperature just by using the back of his hand touch, skin moisture must also be assessed.

A. Patient History
To determine the history of the patient must be held interviews with the patient's family or witnesses. History of this disease is very important especially in medical cases.

To facilitate patient history record is known by the term
K = main complaint (symptoms and signs)
O = drugs - drugs that have not been drunk or
F = Food / drink last eaten / drunk
P = disease suffered by
A = Allergies experienced
K = Genesis
B. Reporting
All inspections and aid measures reported briefly and clearly to the next rescue.
Should be included in the report:
 Age and sex of the patient
 The main complaint
 The level of response
 Condition airway
 Respiratory
 Circulation
 Physical examination is important
 important compact
 Organized implementation
 Other developments that are considered important.

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